Campus WiFi Solutions

Need to cover larger outdoor areas? Our Campus WiFi solutions powered by Cambium Networks provide cutting-edge and reliable connectivity infrastructure tailored to the dynamic demands of modern educational environments, multi-factory sites, industrial parks, and more. Ensure seamless coverage, high-performance connectivity, and robust security protocols across your entire campus.

Interested in Campus WiFi?

Let's find out if we cover your area!

XV2-2T Wi-Fi 6 Outdoor Access Point

1 km or greater range
PoE-out up to 30 Watts
Wi-Fi access point
Integrated antennas
Controller functionality
Omni-directional Coverage
120-degree sectored

XV2 Wi-Fi 6 Outdoor Access Point

Dual radio Wi-Fi 6
5 GHz (2×2), 2.4 GHz (2×2)
One 1 GbE uplink
Outdoor rated IP67 enclosure
Managed by cnMaestro or Swift

XE3-4TN Wi-Fi 6/6E Outdoor Access Point

Tri-radio Wi-Fi 6E
2.5 and 1 GbE uplinks
Outdoor rated IP67 enclosure
Managed by cnMaestro, XMS-Cloud or Swift

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